I like cookies, but I also don’t like cookies, and you probably agree.
While cookies in the form of a tasty confection are amazing, cookies on the web are generally less so. That’s why I avoid them on my sites.
But what is a cookie?
A cookie is a small piece of text that gets stored locally on your computer. This can be used for things like automatic login, a shopping cart, or tracking you.
Companies like Google and Meta (formerly Facebook) offer statistics and advertisements with the help of their cookies.
These cookeis which are from someone other than the owner of the site is called third-party cookies, and just like in real life, they are worse than the homemade kind.
Third-party cookies allow companies like Google and Meta to track you throughout the web by seeing your unique cookie on the sites that use their statistics and advertisement services.
Nowadays companies have many other ways to track you, but cookies are still a part of it.
So why don’t I see a cookie pop-up on your sites?
The only form of client-side storage I use is the document.localStorage
API in JavaScript, and all it does is store your theme preference.
I also currently don’t care much for statistics, and when I do, they will be implemented in a privacy focused way, without Google or Meta.
I want to know more about cookies and privacy!
Great! Here are some good sources to read up on cookies:
And here are some about online privacy: